P. 24

Unit 1: Computer Fundamentals

                   A 108-word buffer channel on the magnetic drum  allowed input-output to proceed
                   simultaneously with computation.
                   Word size was 29 bits, allowing single-
                   precision numbers of seven decimal digits
                   plus sign during  input-output and twenty
                   nine binary digits internally, and double-
                   precision numbers of fourteen decimal digits
                   plus sign during input-output, fifty eight
                   binary digits internally.
                   Each machine language instruction specified
                   the address of the operand and the address
                   of the next instruction. Double-length
                   arithmetic  registers  permitted  the
                   programming of double-precision operations
                   with the same ease as single-precision ones.
                   An interpreter called Intercom 1000 and a
                   compiler called Algo provided simpler
                   alternatives  to  machine   language
                   programming. Algo followed the principles
                   set forth in the international algorithmic
                   language, Algol, and permitted the
                   programmer to state a problem in algebraic
                   form. The Bendix Corporation claimed to be
                   the first manufacturer to introduce a
                   programming system patterned on Algol.
                   The  basic  computation   times,  in
                   milliseconds, were as follows (including the
                   time required for the computer to read the
                   command prior to its execution). The time
                   range for multiplication and division
                   represents the range between single decimal digit precision and maximum precision.
                   External Storage was provided on searchable paper tape (2,500 words per magazine) and,
                   optionally, on one to four, magnetic tape units with 300,000 words per tape unit reel.

                   1. What is the purpose of developing the first generation computer?
                   2. What is its basic computation times?

                 1.5 Summary

                   • The word computer comes from the word “compute”, which means, “to calculate”.
                   • Then characteristics of computer discuss which include Automatic Machine, Speed,
                      Accuracy, Diligence, Versatility, Power of Remembering.
                   • Computer generation like First Generation (1942-1955), Second Generation (1955-1964),
                      Third Generation (1964-1975), Fourth Generation (1975-1989) and Fifth Generation
                   • Block Diagram of Computer means sub part of computer like input, output and
                      memory devices.
                   • The control processing unit is combination of ALO and Au.

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