P. 128

Unit 7: The Shell

          much better. The double quotation marks allowed Bash to substitute the value of $USER, which   Notes
          is set automatically when you log in, in the string.

                 Example: This example presents a common error:

          costmsg=”Price is $5.00”
          echo $costmsg
          Actual result: Price is .00
          Here,  we  thought    quote  the  string,  however  the  dollar  sign  tells  Bash  to  use  the  value  in
          the $5 variable, which is not what we required. We can easily solve the problem by prefixing the
          dollar sign with a backslash, as shown here:
          $ costmsg=”Price is \$5.00”
          $ echo $costmsg
          Actual result: Price is $5.00

          Arguments and Other Special Variables

          The values that you pass to a shell script are called arguments. Every value on the command line
          after the name of the script will be allocated to the special variables $1, $2, $3, and so on. The
          name of the currently running script is stored in the $0 variable.
          Some other special variables that are useful in script writing are:

          z z  $# The number of arguments
          z z  $* The entire argument string

          z z  $? The return code from the last command issued
          Now we will show some examples working with arguments and other special variables.

                 Example: Create an executable script called testvars containing these lines:

          echo “My name is $0”
          echo “First arg is: $1”
          echo “Second arg is: $2”
          echo “I got a total of $# arguments.”
          echo “The full argument string was: $*”
          Now if you run this script, here’s what you’ll see:

          $ ./testvars birds have lips
          My name is testvars
          First arg is: birds
          Second arg is: have
          I got a total of 3 arguments.
          The full argument string was: birds have lips

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