P. 170
Unit 9: The File System
Task Explain tilde character (~) with example.
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
14. To change the .................................... directory, use the cd command.
15. The tilde character (~) refers to your .................................... directory.
9.5 Summary
z z A file system is nothing more than the way the computer stores and retrieves all your files.
These files include your documents, programs, help files, games, music etc.
z z The act of mounting requires that you identify a location of the file system as being a mount
point under which every file is actually stored on a different location.
z z The system required locations are locations you cannot place on another file system
medium because those locations are required by the mount command itself to function
z z Userland locations are the locations which contain the files for the regular operation of a
z z The root file system / is the first file system that is mounted when the kernel boots, and
your system will not function properly if the kernel detects corruption on this file system.
z z The var location contains variable data. You should expect this location to be used
frequently during the life time of your installation.
z z The usr location contains the systems’ day-to-day application files.
z z The/home location contains the end users’ home directories.
z z Linux supports what is called a discretionary access control (DAC) permission system
where privileges are based on the file ownership and user identity.
z z With all the locations, it might be difficult to locate a particular file. There are a few
commands which are used to search a file.
9.6 Keywords
/home location: The /home location contains the end users’ home directories.
Find: The find command is a powerful command which only returns live information.
GNOME Search Tool: GNOME Search Tool is a utility for finding files on your system.
Locate: The locate command manages and uses a database of files to help you find a particular
Mount: The act of mounting a medium to the file system is performed by the mount command.
Root File System /: The root file system / is the first file system that is mounted when the kernel
boots, and your system will not function properly if the kernel detects corruption on this file