Page 209 - DCAP404 _Object Oriented Programming
P. 209

Object-oriented Programming

                    Notes                        void  display  1  (void)
                                                 cout  <<  “b1  =  “  <<b1  <<  “\n”;
                                   Class  C:  public  B,  public  A

                                          int  p,  q;
                                          public  c:
                                          c  (int  a,  float  b,  int  c,  int  d):  A(a),  B(b)
                                                 p  =  c;
                                                 q  =  d;
                                   cout  <<  “constructor  of  c  \n”;

                                   void  display  2  (void)
                                          count  <<  “p  =  “  <<  p  <<  “\n”;
                                          cout  <<  “q  =  “  <<  q  <<  “\n”;
                                   main  (  )

                                          c  obj  (10,  20.57,  40,  70);
                                          cout  <<  “\n”;
                                          obj  .  display  (  );
                                          obj  .  display  1(  );
                                          obj  .  display  2  (  );
                                   The out of the above code would be as follows:

                                          Constructor of B
                                          Constructor of A
                                          Constructor C
                                          a1 = 10
                                          b1 = 20.57

                                          b = 40
                                          q = 70

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