Page 34 - DCAP404 _Object Oriented Programming
P. 34

Unit 2: Beginning of OOP Language

          2.3.3 Unary  Operators                                                                Notes

          Operator  Description                Example       Explanation
             ++     Increases the value of the   a++         Equivalent a = a+1
                    operand by one
             –      Decreases the value of the    a-         Equivalent to a = a-1
                    operand by one

          The increment operator, ++, can be used in two ways - as a prefix, in which the operator precedes
          the variable.

          In this form the value of the variable is first incremented and then used in the expression as
          illustrated below:

                 var2  =  ++var1;
          This code is equivalent to the following set of codes:
                 var1  =  var1+1;
                 var2  =  var1;
          In the end, both variables var1 and var2 store value 21.

          The increment operator ++ can also be used as a postfix operator, in which the operator follows
          the variable.
          In this case the value of the variable is used in the expression and then incremented as illustrated
          var1  =  20;
          var2  =  var1++;
          The equivalent of this code is:

          var1  =  20;
          var1  =  var1  +  1;  //  Could  also  have  been  written  as  var1  +=  1;
          In this case, variable var1 has the value 21 while var2 remains set to 20.
          In a similar fashion, the decrement operator can also be used in both the  prefix and postfix
          If the operator is to the left of the expression, the value of the expression is modified before the
          assignment. Conversely, when the operator is to the right of the expression, the C++ statement,
          var2 = var1++; the original of var1 is assigned to var2. In the statement, var2 = ++var1++; the
          original value of var1 is assigned to var2. In the statement, var2 = ++var1; the incremented value
          of var1 is assigned to var2.

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