P. 172

Unit 11: Use of Capitals and Basic Punctuations

          9.   Punctuate the following:                                                         notes
               ENIAC  was...the  world’s  first  fully  electronic  general-purpose  (programmable)  digital
               computer,  although  this  claim,  as  well  as  the  validity  of  the  patents  for  ENIAC,  was
               challenged in 1973 by John V. Atanasoff (b.1903,) a professor at Iowa State College.
          10.   Punctuate the following:

               Turing visited the United States in 1942 and apparently talked with John von Neuman
               (1903-1957),  a  mathematician,  but  had  little  impact  on  the  American  development  of
               the  computer  until  after  the  war,at  which  time  there  was  extensive  American-English
               discussion on the subject of computation.

          answers: self assessment

          1.   The, San Juan, Mayor Ortega, Sunday, July
          2.   My, Tom Wilson, Honda Accord, San Francisco

          3.   Yesterday, I, Lord, Rings
          4.   The, General Motors, July, Newsweek
          5.   David Johnson, Chevy Blazer, Delaware Memorial Bridge, Friday
          6.   When, I, New York Times, I, Lieutenant Martin Bailey, Colonel Dunlap, North Korean
          7.   Alan, Professor C. R. Klein, “Chemical Properties, Popular Diet Foods

          8.   Mary, Shut, It’s   9.   (d)       10.  (a)              11.  (a)
          12.  (b)           13.  (d)            14.  (c)              15.  (d)
          16.  (c)           17.  (c)            18.  (a)

          11.6  further readings

           Books      Randolph Quirk, Sidney Greenbaum, Geoffrey Leech, Jan Svartvik, A Comprehensive
                      Grammar of the English Language, Longman Publications.

                      Raymond Murphy, Essential English Grammar, Cambridge University Press.
                      Urmila Rai and S.M. Rai, Business Communication, Himalaya Publishing House.

          Online links

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