P. 101
Fundamentals of Data Structures
Notes great advantage, the overhead with storing and retrieving data can make a big difference.
Sometimes linked lists are hard to manipulate. If the last item is deleted, the last but one must
now have its pointer changed to hold a NULL reference. This requires that the list is traversed to
find the last but one link, and its pointer set to a NULL reference Finally, linked lists wastes
memory in terms of extra reference points.
7.1.1 Designing the Node of a Linked List
Linked list is a collection of linked nodes. A node is a struct with at least a data field and a
reference to a node of the same type. A node is called a self-referential object, since it contains a
pointer to a variable that refers to a variable of the same type.
Example: A struct Node that contains an int data field and a pointer to another node can
be defined as follows.
typedef struct node {
int data;
struct node* next;
} node;
node* head = NULL;
7.1.2 Creating the First Node
Memory must be allocated for one node and assigned to head as follows.
head = (node*) malloc(sizeof(node));
head→data = 10;
head→next = NULL;
Figure 7.2: Creating the First Node
7.1.3 Adding the Second Node and Linking
The second node is added in the following way:
node* nextnode = malloc(sizeof(node));
nextnodeàdata = 12;
nextnodeànext = NULL;
headànext = nextnode;