P. 165

Fundamentals of Data Structures

                    Notes          9.6 Summary

                                       A stack is an ordered collection of homogeneous data elements where the insertion and
                                       deletion operations occur at one end only, called the top of the stack.

                                       PUSH operation is used to insert the data elements in a stack. POP function is used for
                                       deleting the elements from a stack.

                                       A Stack contains an ordered list of elements and an array is also used to store ordered list
                                       of elements.
                                       In the case of a linked stack, we shall push and pop nodes from one end of a linked list.

                                       We can define an array stack A with n  elements and an array stack B with n  elements.
                                                                       1                              2
                                       Overflow may occur when either stack A contains more than n  elements or stack B
                                       contains more than n  elements.
                                       Parenthesis checker is an algorithm that confirms that the number of closing parenthesis
                                       equals opening parenthesis by using stack.
                                       Stacks are frequently used in evaluation of arithmetic expressions. An arithmetic expression
                                       consists of operands and operators.

                                       We can evaluate a postfix expression using a stack. Each operator in a postfix string
                                       corresponds to the previous two operands.
                                       A stack can also be used to convert an infix expression in standard form into postfix form.

                                   9.7 Keywords

                                   Arithmetic Expression: An arithmetic expression consists of operands and operators.

                                   Multi stack: Multi stack is a program with more than one stack.
                                   Parenthesis Checker: Parenthesis checker is an algorithm that confirms that the number of
                                   closing parenthesis equals opening parenthesis by using stack.

                                   PEEP: The process of verifying the item placed at the top of the stack without removing it is
                                   called PEEP.
                                   POP: POP function is used for deleting the elements from a stack.

                                   PUSH: PUSH operation is used to insert the data elements in a stack.
                                   Showelements Operation: Showelements will display the elements of the stack.
                                   Stack: A stack is an ordered collection of homogeneous data elements where the insertion and
                                   deletion operations occur at one end only, called the top of the stack.
                                   9.8 Review Questions

                                   1.  Explain the concept of stack with example.
                                   2.  Discuss the operations performed on a stack. Give example.
                                   3.  Illustrate the use of PEEP operation with example.
                                   4.  Describe the implementation of push and pop operation.

                                   5.  Explain the Sequential Representation of Stacks. Illustrate with a program.

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