P. 47

Fundamentals of Data Structures

                    Notes            We must also save the return address, $ra since there is a function call. It’s usually easy to
                                     tell whether to save the return address to the stack. If there’s a function call, then save it.
                                     sum:  addi $sp, $sp, -8           # Adjust sp
                                           addi $t0, $a0, -1           # Compute size - 1
                                           sw $t0, 0($sp)              # Save size - 1 to stack
                                           sw $ra, 4($sp)              # Save return address
                                           bne $a0, $zero, ELSE        # branch ! ( size == 0 )
                                           li  $v0,  0                 # Set return value to 0
                                           addi $sp, $sp, 8            # Adjust sp
                                           jr $ra                      # Return
                                     ELSE: move $a1, $t0               # update second arg
                                           jal sum
                                           lw $t0, 0($sp)              # Restore size - 1 from stack
                                           li $t7, 4                   # t7  =  4
                                           mult $t0, t7                # Multiple size - 1 by 4
                                           mflo $t1                    # Put result in t1
                                           add  $t1,  $t1,  $a0        # Compute & arr[ size - 1 ]
                                           lw $t2, 0($t1)              # t2  =  arr[ size - 1 ]
                                           add  $v0,  $v0,  $t2        # retval = $v0 + arr[size - 1]
                                           lw $ra, 4($sp)              # restore return address from stack
                                           addi $sp, $sp, 8            # Adjust sp
                                           jr $ra                      # Return
                                     Notice that we could have tested the if-else statement right away, and not used the stack.
                                     However, by adjusting the stack right away, it makes sure that we deal with the stack. So
                                     that’s why we often have the saving of registers on the stack at the beginning even if the
                                     base case might not require any adjustment of the stack.
                                     There’s nothing wrong to avoid moving the stack for the base case, however.
                                     Notice in the ELSE, we copy size - 1, which is in $t0 to $a0. We didn’t retrieve it from the
                                     stack. Why not? Because up to this point, we’ve made no subroutine call. Thus, $t0 still
                                     contains size - 1.
                                     A Second Example

                                     Let’s solve the following variation of a recursive function, written in C. This sums only the
                                     odd elements of an array.
                                     int sumOdd( int arr[], int size ) {
                                      if ( size == 0 )
                                      return 0 ;
                                      else if ( arr[ size - 1 ] % 2 == 1 )
                                      return sumOdd( arr, size - 1 ) + arr[ size - 1 ] ;
                                      return sumOdd( arr, size - 1 ) ;


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