P. 8

Mandeep Kaur, Lovely Professional University                                      Unit 1: Data Structures

                                 Unit 1: Data Structures                                        Notes

            1.1  Overview of Data Structure
            1.2  Concept of Data Type

                 1.2.1  Integer Types
                 1.2.2  C Float Types
                 1.2.3  C Character Types
                 1.2.4  C Enum
            1.3  Description of Various Data Structures
                 1.3.1  Arrays
                 1.3.2  Stack

                 1.3.3  Queues
                 1.3.4  Linked List
                 1.3.5  Tree
                 1.3.6  Graph
            1.4  Summary
            1.5  Keywords
            1.6  Review Questions
            1.7  Further Readings


          After studying this unit, you will be able to:
               Discuss the concept of data structure
               Explain various data types

               Discuss various data structures

          A data structure is any data representation and its associated operations. Even an integer or
          floating point number stored on the computer can be viewed as a simple data structure. More
          typically, a data structure is meant to be an organization or structuring for a collection of data
          items. A sorted list of integers stored in an array is an example of such a structuring. Given
          sufficient space to store a collection of data items, it is always possible to search for specified
          items within the collection, print or otherwise process the data items in any desired order, or
          modify the value of any particular data item. Thus, it is possible to perform all necessary
          operations on any data structure. However, using the proper data structure can make the difference
          between a program running in a few seconds and one requiring many days.

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