Page 128 - DCAP202_Fundamentals of Web Programming
P. 128
Unit 9: DOM Model
9.4 Keywords Notes
abort : It is a user action caused an abort of an image or document load.
blur : It is a frame set, document, or form object such as a text field loses the focus for input.
change: It happens when a form field is changed by the user and it loses the focus.
click: It happens when a link or image map is clicked on.
DOM Model: The Document Object Model is a programming API for documents.
error: An error happened loading a image or document.
Node: It is an interface from which a number of DOM types inherit, and allows these various
types to be treated (or tested) similarly.
Object: This tag is used to include objects such as images, audio, videos, Java applets, ActiveX,
PDF, and Flash into a webpage.
9.5 Review Questions
1. What is DOM?
2. Explain the DOM interface.
3. How do you define DOM?
4. How do you define nodes in HTML DOM?
5. How do you define node tree in HTML DOM?
6. What are the properties and methods of HTML DOM?
7. Write a short note on HTML Element Properties.
8. Describe the properties of Document Object.
9. Illustrate the representation of DOM with example.
10. Make distinction between onMouseOver and onMouseOut.
Answers: Self Assessment
1. Document Object Model 2. XML
3. properties 4. Map
5. Node 6. <object>
7. document tree 8. createAttribute()
9. importNode() 10. Events
11. web page 12. onLoad
13. onSubmit 14. Animated
15. blur