Page 254 - DCAP208_Management Support Systems
P. 254
Unit 14: Knowledge-based Decision Support
14.2.10 Success Factors Notes
Two major of success factors of expert system include:
Champion in Management
User Involvement and Training
Other success factors are:
The level of knowledge must be sufficiently high
There must be (at least) one cooperative expert
The problem to be solved must be qualitative (fuzzy) not quantitative
The problem must be sufficiently narrow in scope
The ES shell must be high quality, and naturally store and manipulate the knowledge
A friendly user interface
The problem must be important and difficult enough
Need knowledgeable and high quality system developers with good people skills
The impact of ES as a source of end-users’ job improvement must be favorable. End user
attitudes and expectations must be considered
Management support must be cultivated.
Expert systems need end-user training programs. The organizational environment should favor
new technology adoption.
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
5. ................... is programs that attempt to perform the duty of an expert in the problem
domain in which it is defined.
6. ................... are fairly simplistic, consisting of little more than a set of if-then statements,
but provide the basis for so-called “expert systems”.
7. The ................... is the store in which the knowledge in the particular domain is kept.
8. The ................... in the knowledge base is expressed as a collection of fact and rule.
9. The ................... is a temporal store that hold the fact produced during processing.
10. ................... is the part of expert system that manipulates the knowledge based to produce
new fact in order to solve the given problem.
11. In a ................... system the facts in the system are represented in a working memory which
is continually updated as rules are invoked.
12. A ................... system does not need to update a working memory.
13. In ................... technique, the most recently fact added to the working memory is first
selected for processing.
14. In the ................... technique, the fact selected in the working memory for processing are
selected in the order in which they were added in the working memory.
15. The inference engine is based on a cycle of activity sometimes known as a ...................