Page 20 - Open Soource Technologies 304.indd
P. 20
Unit 1: My SQL
most of the website queries are processed by this in-memory cache, which significantly
improves response time as well as scalability.
Sun Fire x64 Servers
Big Fish Games utilizes a 3-tier server deployment strategy, and Sun’s x64 servers have been
chosen because of their excellent reputation for performance and reliability.
• Sun Fire X2100 server is best for applications which require lots of local disk space but
less I/O or CPU speed.
• Sun Fire X4100 server works well for applications which demand fast processors but
don’t need speedy local disk I/O.
• Sun Fire X4140 server is optimal with 8 drive bays for applications where faster local
disk I/O via RAID 10 and battery backed up write cache is essential.
By identifying the requirements for each application and the right server for each condition,
Big Fish Games has gained 20x in performance by merely replacing an X4100 server with
an X4140 machine.
1. What do you mean by My SQL Query Analyzer?
2. Explain My SQL Replication.
1.4 Summary
• My SQL is a key part of LAMP (Linux, Apache, My SQL, PHP/Perl/Python), the fast
growing open source enterprise software stack.
• My SQL AB, the company responsible for creating and distributing My SQL, uses minor
release numbers for updates security enhancements or bug fixes.
• The process of installing My SQL on Linux/Unix is straight forward, whether you use
RPMs or install the binaries.
• If our my SQL installation is on Linux/Unix or Mac OS X, our primary concern should
be the owner of My SQL daemonit should not be root.
• If My SQL is installed on our workstation, our biggest security concern is leaving our
workstation unattended with our My SQL monitor or My SQL GUI administration tool
up and running.
1.5 Keywords
My SQL Connection: You can connect to the My SQL monitor or other My SQL applications in
several different ways, each of which has its own security risks.
My SQL Installation Process for Mac OS X: My SQL installation process for Mac OS X is fairly
straightforwardthe developers from My SQL.
My SQL Privilege System: The My SQL privilege system is always on. The first time you try to
connect, and for each subsequent action.
My SQL on Windows: The My SQL installation process on Windows is also quite simple the
developers from My SQL AB have packaged up everything you need in one zip file with a
setup program!