P. 38

Multimedia Systems

                   notes         Since MIDI records each note digitally, editing a track of MIDI music is much easier and more
                                 accurate than editing a track of audio. Also, MIDI files are basically text documents, so they take
                                 up very little disk space. The only catch is that you need MIDI-compatible hardware or software
                                 to record and playback MIDI files.
                                 Creating your own original score can be one of the most creative and rewarding aspects of building
                                 a multimedia project, and MIDI is the quickest, easiest and most flexible tool for this task.

                                 The process of creating MIDI music is quite different from digitizing existing audio. To make
                                 MIDI scores, however you will need sequencer software and a sound synthesizer.

                                 The MIDI keyboard is also useful to simplify the creation of musical scores. An advantage of
                                 structured data such as MIDI is the ease with which the music director can edit the data.
                                 A MIDI file format is used in the following circumstances:

                                    •  Digital audio will not work due to memory constraints and more processing power

                                    •  When there is high quality of MIDI source.
                                    •  When there is no requirement for dialogue.
                                 A digital audio file format is preferred in the following circumstances:

                                    •  When there is no control over the playback hardware.
                                    •  When the computing resources and the bandwidth requirements are high.
                                    •  When dialogue is required.

                                 The MIDI does not transmit an audio signal or media—it transmits digital data “event messages”
                                 such as the pitch and intensity of musical notes to play, control signals for parameters such as
                                 volume, vibrato and panning, cues, and clock signals to set the tempo. As an electronic protocol,
                                 it is notable for its widespread adoption throughout the industry, and for continuing in use since
                                 its introduction in 1983.
                                                The  MIDI  files  allow  music  and  sound  synthesizers  from  different
                                                manufacturers to communicate with each other by sending messages along
                                                cables connected to the devices.

                                 self assessment

                                 Choose the correct answer:
                                    1.  To make MIDI scores, you will need sequencer software and a ……………
                                       (  a)  image synthesizer       (b)  video synthesizer

                                       (  c)  sound synthesizer       (d)  None of these
                                    2.  A MIDI file format is used when dialogue is required.

                                       (  a)  True                    (b)  False
                                    3.  The MIDI stands for ………………………………….
                                       (  a)  Musical Instrument Digital Interface
                                       (  b)  Musician Instrument Digital Interface

                                       (  c)  Memory Instrument Digital Interface
                                       (  d)  None of these

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