P. 108

Principles of Software Engineering

                   Notes            •  KDSI, actually, is not a size measure it is a length measure.
                                    •  Success  depends  largely  on  tuning  the  model  to  the  needs  of  the  organization,  using
                                      historical data which is not always available.

                                                Use COCOMO model with very carefully because sometimes it becomes
                                                extremely vulnerable to mis-classification of the development mode.

                                 5.4 COCOMO II

                                 At the beginning an overall situation is given where the need of the reengineering of COCOMO
                                 I am stressed out as well as the focused issues for the new COCOMO version are presented.
                                 5.4.1 Reengineering COCOMO I Needs

                                    •  New software processes
                                    •  New phenomena: size, reuse
                                    •  Need for decision making based on incomplete information
                                 5.4.2 Focused Issues

                                 The reengineering process focussed on issues such as:
                                    1.  Non-sequential and rapid-development process models
                                    2.  Reuse-driven approaches involving commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) packages
                                    3.  Reengineering [reused, translated code integration]
                                    4.  Applications composition
                                    5.  Application generation capabilities
                                    6.  Object oriented approaches supported by distributed middleware
                                    7.  Software process maturity effects
                                    8.  Process-driven quality estimation

                                 5.4.3 Strategy
                                    1.  Preserve the openness of the original COCOMO
                                    2.  Key the structure of COCOMO II to the future software marketplace sectors
                                    3.  Key the inputs and outputs of the COCOMO II sub models to the level of information
                                    4.  Enable the COCOMO II submodels to be tailored to a project’s particular process strategy
                                      (early prototyping stage [application composition model], Early Design stage, post-
                                      architecture stage)
                                 The COCOMO II provides a family (COCOMO suite) of increasingly detailed software cost
                                 estimation models, each tuned to the sectors’ needs and type of information available to support
                                 software cost estimation.
                                 Three Primary Premises
                                 Particular  Process Drivers:  Current and  future software  projects  tailor their processes  to  their
                                 particular process drivers (no single, preferred software life cycle model anymore), process
                                 drivers  include  COTS/reusable  software  availability,  degree  of  understanding  requirements
                                 and architectures and other schedule constraints as size and required reliability.
                                 Information: Consistency between granularity of the software model and the information available.

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