P. 279
Unit 13: Testing
• The Entry Exit Criteria matrix, we get the clarity of the deliverables expected from each Notes
• The black box approach is a testing method in which test data are derived from the
specified functional requirements without regard to the final program structure.
• Boundary value analysis is a technique for test data selection. A test engineer chooses
values that lie along data extremes.
• Test data is the data that is used in tests of a software system. In order to test a software
application we need to enter some data for testing most of the features.
13.8 Keywords
Boundary Condition data set: Data set containing out of range data. Identify application boundary
cases and prepare data set that will cover lower as well as upper boundary conditions.
Criteria: As a software organization grows and becomes more sophisticated by technology
upgrades, it recognizes the need for Business Analysts and Quality Assurance to support their
Information System functions.
Error: Refers to difference between Actual Output and Expected output.
Functional Testing: This black box testing type is related to functional requirements of a system;
it is done by software testers.
Fundamentals: Software testing is a field with no set “best practices” Because so much of testing
is based on the particular context of the test, It is often difficult to clarify, categorize and dispense
advice on aspects of software testing.
Loop Testing: These strategies relate to testing single loops, concatenated loops, and nested
loops. Independent and dependent code loops and values are tested by this approach.
Requirement: This is the initial stage of and in this stage requirement is gathered. Software
testers also take part in this stage.
Test: Learn the various definitions of the term ‘test’. Merriam Webster defines Test as “a critical
examination, observation, or evaluation”.
1. Write a program using verification and validation.
2. Draw the structure of testing.
13.9 Review Questions
1. What is the verification and validation?
2. Define software testing error and fault.
3. Explain the software development life cycle.
4. What is the black box testing?
5. Define software testing criteria.
6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of black box testing?
7. Discuss equivalence class partitioning.
8. What is the white box testing?
9. Define types of test case.
10. What is the test planning and analysis?