P. 9

Unit 1: Introduction to Software Engineering

            The idea of software engineering was planned in the late 1960s at a conference held to argue what   Notes
            was then called the ‘software crisis’. This software crisis resulted directly from the introduction
            of third-generation computer hardware. These machines were instructions of magnitude more
            powerful than second-generation machines. Their power made hitherto unrealizable applications
            a feasible proposition. The performance of these applications required large software systems
            to be built.
            Early experience in building large software systems shows that breathing methods of software
            development were not acceptable. Techniques applicable to small systems could not be scaled
            up. Major projects were sometimes years late. They cost much more than initially predicted, were
            undependable, difficult to preserve and performed poorly. Software development was in crisis.
            Hardware costs were plummeting while software costs were rising rapidly. New techniques and
            methods were needed to control the complexity inherent in large software systems.
            After almost 30 years of development, we have made enormous progress in software engineering.
            Productivity improvements are hard to quantify but there is no doubt that our ability to produce
            efficient and dependable software has markedly improved. We have a much better understanding
            of the activities involved in software development. We have developed methods of software
            specification, design and implementation. New notations and tools reduce the effort required
            to produce large and complex systems. .
            Nevertheless, many large software projects are still late and over-budget. Software is delivered
            and installed which does not meet the real needs of the customers buying that software. New
            technologies resulting from the convergence of computers and communication systems place
            new demands on software engineers. Software engineering has come far in its short lifetime;
            it still has far to go.

            1.1 Concepts in Software Engineering

            The goal of research in this area is to give a solid foundation for development and deployment of
            software for systems with stringent requirements for security, safety, functional correctness, and
            efficiency. Principal focuses are general programming methodology and program examination
            techniques. Generic programming is mainly an activity of “lifting” of specific computer code to
            a more widely useful level, while maintaining high principles of efficiency and other requisite
            properties. This process is aided by theoretical classification of software components according
            to thoroughly specified requirements. Results include the C++ Standard Template Library (STL),
            which is based on joint research with colleagues in industry; new generic sorting and searching
            algorithms; and new algorithm concept taxonomies. In the program analysis area, new techniques
            are being developed for different software tasks, including testing, understanding, and verification
            of object-oriented  software. Results include new analyses that have been  applied to testing
            of polymorphism in Java applications, and to testing of recovery code in highly reliable Web
            service applications. Future directions include greater integration of generic programming and
            program analysis methodology, with increased emphasis on proof-based approaches. The long
            range goal is to meet new challenges that arise from distributed software components, embedded
            system software updates, Web services, and other software for modern, pervasive computing.
            There are two planned meanings of the word “Concepts” in our research area’s name: the
            common one, and the more exact, technical sense of “concept” as a set of abstraction, such as
            abstract data types or algorithms, whose partisanship is defined by a list of requirements. In this
            technical intelligence, concepts are the main abstraction and organization instrument in generic
            programming. The key operation on concepts is refinement: incrementally addition requirements
            to a concept description, thereby plummeting the number of abstractions it contains but at the
            same  time  enabling  more  efficient  algorithms  or  more  refined  analysis  to  be  applied  to  the
            abstractions that remain. Repeated refinement with different choices of additional requirements
            results in a concept taxonomy or hierarchy, such as the one for STL.
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