P. 55

Unit 4: Advanced Class Modelling – I

          N-ary association: N-ary association is defined as an association among n classes.    Notes
          Qualifier: A qualifier is an attribute of an association class that reduces the multiplicity across an

          4.7 Review Questions

          1.   Explain the concept of class attributes and operations with example.
          2.   What is attribute multiplicity? Discuss with example.
          3.   Explain the concept of candidate keys for classes.
          4.   “It is important to record secondary information without obscuring the focus of an
               application.” Comment.
          5.   What is an association end? Illustrate with example.
          6.   Describe the concept of role names and qualifier.

          7.   Discuss the concept of n-ary association with example.
          8.   What is aggregation? How is it different from association? Discuss.
          9.   What are different types of aggregation? Explain each with suitable examples.

          10.  What is recursive aggregation? Give suitable example of recursive aggregation.
          Answers: Self Assessment

          1.   Instantiation                    2.   class operation
          3.   multiplicity                     4.   Attributes
          5.   enumeration                       6.  association end
          7.   rolename                         8.   Navigation

          9.   qualifier                        10.  Index
          11.  degree                           12.  N-ary
          13.  Aggregation                      14.  Fixed
          15.  recursive

          4.8 Further Readings

           Books      Booch, Grady, (1994), Object-oriented Analysis & Design, Addison Wesley

                      Laganiere, Robert, (2004), Object-oriented Software Engineering, TMH
                      Rumbaugh, J., (2007), Object-oriented Modelling and Design with UML, Pearson

                      Satzinger, (2007), Object-oriented Analysis & Design with the Unified Process, Thomson

          Online links

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