P. 7

Anil Sharma,Lovely Professional University
                                                                            Unit 1: Introduction to Object Orientation

                     Unit 1: Introduction to Object Orientation                                 Notes


             1.1  Object Orientation (OO)
                 1.1.1  Uses of Object Orientation

                 1.1.2   Why Object Orientation?
             1.2  Object-oriented Development
             1.3  Object-oriented Themes
                 1.3.1   Abstraction

                 1.3.2   Encapsulation
                 1.3.3  Combining Data and Behaviour

                 1.3.4   Sharing
                 1.3.5   Emphasis on Object Structure, not on Operation Implementation
             1.4  Evidence for Usefulness of Object-oriented Development
             1.5  Summary

             1.6  Keywords
             1.7  Review Questions
             1.8  Further Readings


          After studying this unit, you will be able to:
               Describe the concept of object orientation
               Discuss the uses and need of object orientation

               Explain the concept of object-oriented development
               Identify object-oriented themes
               Discuss the evidence for usefulness of object-oriented development


          Object-oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD) is a software engineering model which makes use
          of objects, classes, state, methods and behavior concepts to analyze and demonstrate system
          structure, functional needs and behavior. While object-oriented analysis emphasizes the things
          that a system actually does, the object oriented design is concerned with the manner in which the
          system does it. One thing that you must keep in mind is that the object oriented system will
          always be comprised of objects. The behavior for the system is a result for the connection that is
          made with the objects. Connections between objects will require them to send out messages to

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