Page 142 - DCAP103_Principle of operating system
P. 142

Unit 4: Process Management-III

                       Figure 4.13: Resource-Allocation Graph for Deadlock Avoidance              Notes

            If no cycle exists, then the allocation of the resource will leave the system in a safe state. If a
            cycle is found, then the allocation will put the system in an unsafe state. Therefore, process
            Pi will have to wait for its requests to be satisfied. To illustrate this algorithm, we consider
            the resource-allocation graph of Figure 4.13. Suppose that P2 requests R2. Although R2 is
            currently free, we cannot allocate it to P2, since this action will create a cycle in the graph.
            A cycle indicates that the system is in an unsafe state. If PI requests R2, and P2 requests
            R1, then a deadlock will occur.
            4.6.13 Banker’s Algorithm

            The resource-allocation graph algorithm is not applicable to a resource-allocation system with
            multiple instances of each resource type. The deadlock-avoidance algorithm that we describe
            next is applicable to such a system, but is less efficient than the resource-allocation graph scheme.
            This algorithm is commonly known as the banker’s algorithm. The name was chosen because
            this algorithm could be used in a banking system to ensure that the bank never allocates its
            available cash such that it can no longer satisfy the needs of all its customers. When a new process
            enters the system, it must declare the maximum number of instances of each resource type that
            it may need. This number may not exceed the total number of resources in the system. When
            a user requests a set of resources, the system must determine whether the allocation of these
            resources will leave the system in a safe state. If it will, the resources are allocated; otherwise, the
            process must wait until some other process releases enough resources. Several data structures
            must be maintained to implement the banker’s algorithm. These data structures encode the
            state of the resource-allocation system. Let n be the number of processes in the system and rn
            be the number of resource types. We need the following data structures: Available: a vector of
            length rn indicates the number of available resources of each type. If Available[j] = k, there are
            k instances of resource type Rj available.
            Max: An n x  rn  matrix  defines  the  maximum  demand  of  each  process.  If  Max[i,j]  =  k,  then
            process Pi may request at most k instances of resource type.
            Ri . Allocation: An n x rn matrix defines the number of resources of each type currently allocated
            to each process. If Allocation[i,j] = k, then process Pi is currently allocated k instances of resource
            type Rj. Need: An n x rn matrix indicates the remaining resource need of each process. If Need[i,j]
            = k, then process Pi may need k more instances of resource type Ri to complete its task. Note

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