Page 338 - DCAP103_Principle of operating system
P. 338
Unit 11: Operating System Structure
11.1.2 Kernel Layer Notes
Above the hardware abstraction layer is a layer that contains what Microsoft calls the kernel, as
well as the device drivers. Some early documentation refers to the kernel as the “microkernel,”
which it really never was because the memory manager, file system, and other major components
resided in kernel space and ran in kernel mode from day one. The kernel is certainly not a
microkernel now since virtually the entire operating system was put in kernel space starting
with NT 4.0.
In the unit on UNIX, we used the term “kernel” to mean everything running in kernel mode.
In this unit, we will reserve the term “kernel” for the part labeled as such in Figure 11.2 and
call the totality of the code running in kernel mode the “operating system.” Part of kernel (and
much of the HAL) is permanently resident in main memory (i.e., is not paged). By adjusting its
priority, it can control whether it can tolerate being preempted by I/O interrupts or not. Although
a substantial fraction of the kernel is machine specific, most of it is nevertheless written in C,
except where top performance overshadows all other concerns.
The purpose of the kernel is to make the rest of the operating system completely independent
of the hardware, and thus highly portable. It picks up where the HAL leaves off. It accesses
the hardware via the HAL and builds upon the extremely low-level HAL services to construct
higher-level abstractions. For example, the HAL has calls to associate interrupt service procedures
with interrupts, and set their priorities, but does little else in this area. The kernel, in contrast,
provides a complete mechanism for doing context switches. It properly saves all the CPU
registers, changes the page tables, flushes the CPU cache, and so on, so that when it is done, the
previously running thread has been saved in tables in memory. It then sets up the new thread’s
memory map and loads its registers so the new thread can start running.
The code for thread scheduling is also in the kernel. When it is time to see if a new thread
can run, for example, after a quantum runs out or after an I/O interrupt completes, the kernel
chooses the thread and does the context switch necessary to run it. From the point of view of
the rest of the operating system, thread switching is automatically handled by lower layers
without any work on their part and in a portable way. The scheduling algorithm itself will be
discussed later in this unit when we come to processes and threads.
In addition to providing a higher-level abstraction of the hardware and handling thread switches,
the kernel also has another key function: providing low-level support for two classes of objects:
control objects and dispatcher objects. These objects are not the objects that user processes get
handles to, but are internal objects upon which the executive builds the user objects.
Control objects are those objects that control the system, including primitive process objects,
interrupt objects, and two somewhat strange objects called DPC and APC. A DPC (Deferred
Procedure Call) object is used to split off the non-time-critical part of an interrupt service
procedure from the time critical part. Generally, an interrupt service procedure saves a few volatile
hardware registers associated with the interrupting I/O device so they do not get overwritten
and re-enables the hardware, but saves the bulk of the processing for later.
For example, after a key is struck, the keyboard interrupt service procedure reads the key code
from a register and re-enables the keyboard interrupt, but does not need to process the key
immediately, especially if something more important (i.e., higher priority) is currently going
on. As long as the key is processed within about 100 msec, the user will be none the wiser.
DPCs are also used for timer expirations and other activities whose actual processing need not
be instantaneous. The DPC queue is the mechanism for remembering that there is more work
to do later.