P. 123
Operating System Tools
Notes 6.4 Keywords
Archive file: An archive file is a collection of files and directories stored in one file.
Compressed file: A compressed file is a collection of files and directories that are stored in one
file and stored in a way that uses less disk space than all the individual files and directories
File Roller: File Roller can compress, decompress, and archive files in common Unix and Linux
GIMP: The GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) is a program for viewing and performing
image manipulation tasks, such as photo retouching, image composition, and image creation.
Gnome Ghostview: Gnome Ghostview (GGv) is a graphical application capable of displaying
PostScript files.
Nautilus: Nautilus is the file manager and viewer of GNOME.
VMWare: VMWare is an application which is considered as an enterprise class virtual machine
which is capable of running numerous versions of an operating system on a single computer.
Wine: Wine is an application implementing the Windows API on top of native X window system.
6.5 Review Questions
1. Explain various multimedia applications.
2. Describe the steps used for using digiKam with your digital camera.
3. Illustrate the concept of playing an audio CD.
4. Discuss the process of burning a CD. Illustrate with example.
5. Explain various graphics and imaging applications to work with images and graphics.
6. Describe various system applications provided by Linux.
7. Compare and contrast archive file and a compressed file.
8. Discussd the use of File Roller in compressing, decompressing, and archiving files in
common Unix and Linux formats.
9. Describe the steps for creating archives with file roller.
10. Explain the concept of VMWare application with example.
Answers: Self Assessment
1. digital camera 2. Universal Serial Bus (USB)
3. File manager 4. KDE
5. Burn 6. GIMP
7. Gnome Ghostview (GGv) 8. GNOME Ghostview
9. file manager 10. Nautilus
11. archive file 12. compressed file
13. File Roller 14. new
15. VMWare 16. Wine