P. 50

Unit 2: Red Hat Linux 9 Basics

                 Example:  Suppose that you are at the terminal prompt, it means that you are
          communicating with the shell interpreter program.
          All  executing programs are considered as processes that have been launched by some other
          parent processes. Thus, we can represent all the running processes in the form of a hierarchical

             Notes  When launching a child process, the parent process creates a copy of it by forking,
             and then executes the child program in the memory space of the new copy.

          2.6.2 Viewing Running Processes

          The System Monitor program  provides permission  to see the processes that are running in the
          machine. Figure 2.23 shows the list of processes.

                                      Figure 2.23: List of Processes

          The processes sorted by any column on display can be viewed by just  clicking at the respective
          column header. We  have sorted the processes in accordance with their memory usage.

          We can utilze the ps program at the terminal in order to view the processes running in the
          machine in a non-dynamic manner. We can make use of the ps program without any arguments
          to view every process running within your present logging session. In order to view every
          process running in the machine, it is required to use the command ps ax:
          The pstree program provides permission  to view every process in a tree format. Thus, it provides
          a good idea of the hierarchical nature of processes. The following displays just a small part of the
          output of this program, starting with the init process (Figure 2.24):
          The terminal also provides the top program. It provides permission to view the process list in an
          interactive way. It displays the process list in a similar manner to the GUI system monitor, and
          permits us to arrange the results by clicking on different keystrokes. We can click on the help key
          in order to obtain more help on the keys that are used for sorting the display.

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