Page 33 - DCAP404 _Object Oriented Programming
P. 33
Object-oriented Programming
Notes 2.3.2 Assignment Operators
Operator Description Example Explanation
= Assign the value of the a = b Assigns the value of b to a
right operand to the left
+= Adds the operands and a +=b Adds the of b to a
assigns the result to the The expression could also be
left operand written as a = a+b
–= Subtracts the right a -=b Subtracts b from a
operand from the left Equivalent to a = a-b
operand and stores the
result in the left operand
*= Multiplies the left operand a*=b Multiplies the values a and b by
stores the result in the left the right operand and
operand and stores the result in a
Equivalent to a = a*b
/= Divides the left operand a/=b Divides a by b and stores the
stores the result in the left by the right operand and
operand result in a Equivalent to a = a/b
*= Divides the left operand a%=b Divides a by b and stores the
stores the remainder in by the right operand and
the left operand remainder in a
Equivalent to a = x%y
Any of the operators used as shown below:
A <operator>=y
can also be represented as
a=a <operator> b
that is, b is evaluated before the operation takes place.
You can also assign values to more than one variable at the same time. The assignment will take
place from the right to the left. For example,
a = b = 0;
In the example given above, first b will be initialized and then a will be initialized.
Did u know? What is self assignment?
Self assignment is when someone assigns an object to itself. For example,
#include “Fred.h” // Defines class Fred
void userCode(Fred& x)
x = x; // Self-assignment