P. 51

Graphic Tools

                    Notes              The pointer changes to a loaded graphic icon. We position the graphic icon within the
                                       bounds of the column where we want the text to begin and click on the page to place the
                                       image. The “placed” text shows up as in Figure 2.38.
                                   5.  We will notice a small red triangle where the text box’s bottom window handle should be.
                                       This indicates that there is more text in the block that has not been placed on the page or
                                       pasteboard. To see this extra text we need to click on the red arrow and drag it downwards
                                       (or upwards if the red triangle is out of the column bounds). The extra text will immediately
                                       appear in the column.
                                   6.  If we pull the red triangle to the bottom boundary of the column and it still remains red,
                                       it indicates that there is still some more text to be placed. To place this text we click once
                                       on the red triangle. The pointer changes to a loaded graphic icon again. Now we can
                                       position this graphic icon at the top left corner of the next column. On clicking, the
                                       remaining text gets placed there.
                                   7.  To place larger amounts of text in the PageMaker document, or to have text flow
                                       automatically into the next column, we can activate the Autoflow option. For this go to
                                       Layout 4 Autoflow. To turn Autoflow off go to Layout 4 Autoflow again.

                                                            Figure 2.38: The “Placed” Text

                                   How to Wrap Text around an Image?

                                   One of the most useful features of PageMaker is wrapping text around graphics in various ways.

                                   1.  Insert a new page with one column in the PageMaker document (by default the number of
                                       columns in an inserted page is 1). Paste some text on the top of the image and then place
                                       any image on the page on top of the text. The image lies on top of the text, and hides the
                                       text below it. We can send the image behind the text by going to Element 4 Arrange 4 Send
                                       to back. Now the image is behind the text as shown in Figure 2.39.

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