P. 138

Unit 8: Operations on Linked List

          8.6 Review Questions                                                                  Notes

          1.   Illustrate the steps used in Traversing the Linked List.

          2.   Discuss the concept of inserting a new node before the head and inserting a new node after
               the tail.

          3.   Illustrate how to delete Singly Linked List.
          4.   Describe the different cases included in doubly linked list insertion.
          5.   Explain the steps for deleting the first node in doubly linked list.

          6.   Deleting the Last Node in Doubly Linked List is trickier than removing the first node.

          7.   Write a program illustrating the Doubly Linked List deletion.
          8.   Describe the process of counting nodes in a circular list.

          9.   Illustrate how to print the contents of a circular list.
          10.  Explain the steps used for deleting the first node in a circular list.

          Answers: Self Assessment

          1.   ListLength()                      2.  Beginning
          3.   last node                         4.  Intermediate

          5.   current                           6.  Middle
          7.   traverse                          8.  Head
          9.   doubly                            10.  NULL

          11.  circular                          12.  0
          13.  circular                          14.  Tail

          15.  deleted

          8.7 Further Readings

           Books         Davidson, 2004, Data Structures (Principles and Fundamentals), Dreamtech Press
                        Karthikeyan, Fundamentals, Data Structures and Problem Solving, PHI Learning
                         Pvt. Ltd.
                         Samir Kumar Bandyopadhyay, 2009, Data Structures using C, Pearson Education
                         Sartaj Sahni, 1976, Fundamentals of Data Structures, Computer Science Press

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