P. 241

Fundamentals of Data Structures

                    Notes          Now, we look again for greater values than the pivot with i:

                                                      2   1   4   9   0   3   5   8   7   6

                                                                  i               j

                                   We found the element of 9 which is greater. Now we seek an element lower with j:

                                                      2   1   4   9   0   3   5   8   7   6

                                                                  i           j

                                   We found 5. Now we swap them:

                                                      2   1   4   5   0   3   9   8   7   6

                                                                  i           j

                                   We begin the search again, but this time, the index i passes over the index j, so this means at the
                                   position where i is the index is the proper place for the pivot, and we swap the value of the pivot
                                   with the value that is currently there:

                                                      2   1   4   5   0   3   9   8   7   6

                                                                          j   i

                                                      2   1   4   5   0   3   6   8   7   9

                                                                          j   i

                                   If you look closely, all the elements before 6 are smaller and all the elements after the former
                                   pivot are greater. Now, we split the initial list into two smaller lists according to the former
                                   pivot: 2, 1, 4, 5, 0, 3 and 8, 7, 9. We repeat the same procedure for each of the sub-lists. The pivot
                                   will be the first element in each case, and when the proper place for the pivot was discovered and
                                   moved in accordance to this, again we split the list into two smaller ones using the same rule:
                                   one list will be composed by the elements smaller than the pivot and the next list composed by
                                   elements greater than the pivot. By the end, the initial list will be put together and it will be
                                   The implementation of Quick Sort in C is shown as below:
                                   #include < iostream >
                                   using namespace std;
                                   void swap(int &a, int &b)

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