P. 48

Unit 3: Recursion

             A MIPS Translation                                                                 Notes
             Usually, the hard part is to decide what registers to save. arr is stored in $a0, and that this
             value really doesn’t change throughout. size may need to be saved, though size - 1 appears
             to be more useful. Since we make calls to sumOdd, we need to save $ra.
             So, let’s save size - 1 and $ra to the stack. It turns out we also need to save arr[ size - 1 ] to
             the stack too.
             sumOdd: addi $sp, $sp, -12      # Adjust sp
                    addi $t0, $a0, -1        # Compute size - 1
                    sw $t0, 0($sp)           # Save size - 1 to stack
                    sw $ra, 4($sp)           # Save return address
                    bne $a0, $zero, ELSE2    # branch !( size == 0 )
                    li  $v0,  0              # Set return value to 0
                    addi $sp, $sp, 12        # Adjust sp
                    jr $ra                   # Return
             ELSE2: li  $t7,  4              # t7 = 4
                    multi $t0, t7            # Multiple size - 1 by 4
                    mflo $t1                 # Put result in t1
                    add  $t1,  $t1,  $a0     # Compute & arr[ size - 1 ]
                    lw $t2, 0($t1)           # t2  =  arr[ size - 1 ]
                    andi  $t3,  $t2,  1      # is arr[ size - 1 ] odd
                    beq $t3, $zero, ELSE3    # branch if even
                    sw $t2, 8($sp)           # save arr[ size - 1 ] on stack
                    move $a1, $t0            # update second arg
                    jal sumOdd
                    lw $t2, 8($sp)           # restore arr[ size - 1 ] from stack
                    add $v0, $v0, $t2        # update return value
                    lw $ra, 4($sp)           # restore return address from stack
                    addi $sp, $sp, 12        # Adjust sp
                    jr $ra                   # Return
             ELSE3: move $a1, $t0            # update second arg
                    jal sumOdd
                    lw $ra, 4($sp)           # restore return address from stack
                    addi $sp, $sp, 12        # Adjust sp
                    jr $ra                   # Return
             As it turns out, we didn’t have to save size - 1. So we can leave that off the stack if you want.
            As a rule of thumb, you may end up deciding later on what to save and what not to save.
            A compiler, of course, has to determine this without being too clever. Sometimes a compiler
            might save too much to the stack, just so it’s easier to generate code.
            A few comments:

                 In ELSE2, we use mult. The result is placed in two registers HI and LO. Since the
                 number is likely to be quite small, we can assume the result is in LO, and HI contains
                 all 0’s. We can access the low word from LO, using mflo (move from LO).

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