Page 171 - DCAP208_Management Support Systems
P. 171

Management Support Systems

                    Notes          sufficiently distinguish between those who are churners and those who are not - let’s say it is
                                   40%/60%. On the other hand, there may be a series of questions that do quite a nice job in
                                   distinguishing those cellular phone customers who will churn and those who won’t. Maybe the
                                   series of questions would be something like: “Have you been a customer for less than a year, do
                                   you have a telephone that is more than two years old and were you originally landed as a
                                   customer via tele-sales rather than direct sales?” This series of questions defines a segment of the
                                   customer population in which 90% churn. These are then relevant questions to be asking in
                                   relation to predicting churn.
                                   If the decision tree algorithm just continued growing the tree like this it could conceivably
                                   create more and more questions and branches in the tree so that eventually there was only one
                                   record in the segment. To let the tree grow to this size is both computationally expensive but
                                   also unnecessary. Most decision tree algorithms stop growing the tree when one of three criteria
                                   are met:

                                       The segment contains only one record. (There is no further question that you could ask
                                       which could further refine a segment of just one.)

                                       All the records in the segment have identical characteristics. (There is no reason to continue
                                       asking further questions segmentation since all the remaining records are the same.)
                                       The improvement is not substantial enough to warrant making the split.

                                   10.2.5 Neural Networks

                                   When data mining algorithms are talked about these days most of the time people are talking
                                   about either decision trees or neural networks. Of the two neural networks have probably been
                                   of greater interest through the formative stages of data mining technology. As we will see
                                   neural networks do have disadvantages that can be limiting in their ease of use and ease of
                                   deployment, but they do also have some significant advantages. Foremost among these
                                   advantages is their highly accurate predictive models that can be applied across a large number
                                   of different types of problems.

                                   To be more precise with the term “neural network” one might better speak of an “artificial
                                   neural network”. True neural networks are biological systems (a k a brains) that detect patterns,
                                   make predictions and learn. The artificial ones are computer programs implementing
                                   sophisticated pattern detection and machine learning algorithms on a computer to build
                                   predictive models from large historical databases. Artificial neural networks derive their name
                                   from their historical development which started off with the premise that machines could be
                                   made to “think” if scientists found ways to mimic the structure and functioning of the human
                                   brain on the computer. Thus historically neural networks grew out of the community of Artificial
                                   Intelligence rather than from the discipline of statistics. Despite the fact that scientists are still far
                                   from understanding the human brain let alone mimicking it, neural networks that run on
                                   computers can do some of the things that people can do.

                                   It is difficult to say exactly when the first “neural network” on a computer was built. During
                                   World War II a seminal paper was published by McCulloch and Pitts which first outlined the
                                   idea that simple processing units (like the individual neurons in the human brain) could be
                                   connected together in large networks to create a system that could solve difficult problems and
                                   display behavior that was much more complex than the simple pieces that made it up. Since that
                                   time much progress has been made in finding ways to apply artificial neural networks to real
                                   world prediction problems and in improving the performance of the algorithm in general. In
                                   many respects the greatest breakthroughs in neural networks in recent years have been in their
                                   application to more mundane real world problems like customer response prediction or fraud
                                   detection rather than the loftier goals that were originally set out for the techniques such as
                                   overall human learning and computer speech and image understanding.

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