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Web Technologies-I
Notes ini_get, ini_restore, ini_set, localeconv, parse_ini_file, php_logo_guid, php_sapi_name, php_
uname,phpcredits, phpinfo, phpversion, putenv, set_magic_quotes_runtime, set_time_limit,
version_compare, zend_logo_guid, zend_version
Program execution
escapeshellarg , escapeshellcmd, exec, passthru, putenv, shell_exec, sleep, system, usleep
addcslashes, addslashes, base64_decode, base64_encode, chop, chr, chunk_split, convert_cyr_string,
count_chars, crypt, echo, ereg,ereg_replace, eregi, eregi_replace, explode, get_html_translation_
table, get_meta_tags, hebrev, hebrevc, highlight_string, htmlentities,htmlspecialchars, implode,
iptcparse, join, levenshtein, localeconv, ltrim, md5, metaphone, nl2br, number_format, ord,
parse_str, parse_url,print, printf, quoted_printable_decode, quotemeta, rtrim, setlocale, similar_
text, soundex, split, spliti, sprintf, sql_regcase, sscanf,str_pad, str_repeat, str_replace strcasecmp,
strchr, strcmp, strcoll, strcspn, strip_tags, stripcslashes, stristr, strlen, strnatcasecmp,strnatcmp,
strncasecmp, strncmp, strpos, strrchr, strrev, strrpos, strspn, strstr, strtok, strtolower, strtoupper,
strtr, substr,substr_count, substr_replace, trim, ucfirst, ucwords, vprintf, vsprintf, wordwrap
Type functions
doubleval, get_resource_type, gettype, intval, is_array, is_bool, is_double, is_float, is_int, is_
integer, is_long, is_null, is_numeric,is_object, is_real, is_resource, is_scalar, is_string, settype, strval
base64_decode, base64_encode, parse_url, rawurldecode, rawurlencode, urldecode, urlencode
Variable functions
compact, empty, extract, get_defined_constants, get_defined_vars, import_request_variables,
isset, list, print_r, putenv, serialize,uniqid, unserialize, unset, var_dump
Is PHP Embarrassingly Slower than Java?
P2C is a small library that provides IP to country resolution. It uses the free ip-to-country
database. IP2C takes the database CSV file that is about 4mb and converts it into a ~600kb
Ibinary format and provides PHP and Java frontend to query the database.
The library is great, easy to convert an IP to a country and when using the country flags from
its side project you could spice up your statistics with the country information. This is a lot
faster than using reverse DNS lookup.
The problem: The PHP implementation is a lot slower. Embarrassingly slower. Without any
caching the Java version is able to do ~6000 queries per second. The PHP counterpart can push
through ~850 queries. The implementations are the same. The stats provided by the author
of the library are 8000 vs 1200. So about the same as my measurements.
I like PHP, I do not use it that much anymore but I still care when I see such embarrassing
numbers. I took the implementation and started profiling it. Spent the night running different
tests and trying to optimize.
General outline of the algorithm is as follows. We take the dotted string IP and convert it to an
IPv4 Internet network address (e.g. becomes 1161291929). The DB holds sorted