Page 139 - Open Soource Technologies 304.indd
P. 139
Unit 6: VB Control Structure
End If
End Sub
[Run, type 7 into both text boxes, and press the button.]
If blocks allow us to define functions whose values are not determined by a simple formula. The
function in 10 uses an If block.
6: The Social Security or FICA tax has two components the Social Security
benefits tax, which in 2005 is 6.2 percent on the first $90,000 of earnings for
the year, and the Medicare tax, which is 1.45 percent of earnings. The following
program calculates an employee’s FICA tax for the current pay period.
Object Property Setting
frm FICA Text FICA Taxes
lblToDate Text Total earnings for this year prior to the
current pay period:
lblCurrent Text Earnings for the current pay period:
btnCalculate Text Calculate FICA Taxes
lblTax Text FICA taxes for the current pay period:
txtTax ReadOnly True
Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(...) Handles btnCalculate.Click
Dim ficaTaxes As Double
ficaTaxes = CalcFICA(CDbl (txtToDate.Text), CDbl (txtCurrent.Text))
txtTax.Text = FormatCurrency(ficaTaxes)
End Sub
Function CalcFICA(ByVal ytdEarnings As Double, _