Page 281 - Open Soource Technologies 304.indd
P. 281
Unit 12: ADO Data Control
12.5 Summary
• In record and field objects when you changed data in the recordset, the recordset stores
the changes in memory.
• With the help of ADOCE you can move database to end from your windows CE-based
• Connecting string property pass directly to the provider without any processing by ADO.
• Because of the separation of presentation and data functionality, the data source can be
changed with or without user interface input is data printing.
• Caption property is used to display a title bar above the grid.
• In data formatting, formatting can be applied to individual cells, columns and rows.
12.6 Keywords
CommandType: CommandType property is set to StoredProcedure, you should set the
CommandText property to the name of the stored procedure. The command then executes this
stored procedure when you call one of the Execute methods (for example, ExecuteReader or
DataGridView: The Visual Basic DataGridView control provides a table in which rows and
columns from a database table can be displayed and modified. In this chapter we will explore
the steps necessary to build a DataViewGrid into a Visual Basic application and connect it to a
database table.
Fields: fields are members of a class, also known as variables. A programmer creates fields at
any level of his projects to store and access data within it.
Recordset. The ADO Recordset object is used to hold a set of records from a database table. A
Recordset object consist of records and columns (fields).
1. How to Create an ADO Data Control?
12.7 Self Assessment Questions
1. You create a Connection object named connMy and a Command object named cmdMy
in a Data Environment Designer named deMy. In your code, you want to programmatically
write changes to the underlying data. The line of code that you need to write would be:
(a) deMy.rsconnMy.Update
(c) deMy.connMy.rscmdMy.Update
(d) deMy.rscmdMy.Update