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Modern Programming Tools & Techniques-III

                      Notes         1.1.2 Language Element

                                    Microsoft Visual Basic code is written in units called procedures. A procedure contains a series
                                    of Visual Basic statements that perform an operation or calculate a value. An event procedure is
                                    a procedure that runs in response to an event initiated by the user or program code, or triggered
                                    by the system. Its syntax is,
                                    Private Sub button1_Click()
                                    End Sub

                                    Self Assessment

                                    Fill in the blanks:

                                    1.   The purpose of programming is to create a set of ........................ that computers use to
                                         perform specific operations or to exhibit desired behaviors.
                                    2.   A ........................ contains a series of Visual Basic statements that perform an operation or
                                         calculate a value.

                                    1.2 Object-oriented Programming in VB.NET

                                    Before moving to the language syntax, let’s formally define the key OO concepts and terms that
                                    will be used in this unit beginning with encapsulation, polymorphism, and inheritance.

                                    1.2.1 Encapsulation

                                    Encapsulation means that an object can hide its internal data structures from consumers of the
                                    object. Therefore, all of the object’s internal data is manipulated through members (methods,
                                    properties, events, fields) of the object, rather than through direct references.
                                    The primary benefits of encapsulation are maintainability and reusability. Code that takes
                                    advantage of encapsulation is more maintainable because consumers of the code work with the
                                    object through its public members. With a fully encapsulated object, for example, code outside
                                    the object cannot directly change a variable declared inside the object. By shutting off this direct
                                    access, fewer bugs are introduced because consumers of the object cannot inadvertently change
                                    the state of an object at run-time.
                                    Abstracting the internal data of the object from consumers also leads to greater reusability. This
                                    follows because encapsulation leads to fewer dependencies between the consumer and the class
                                    and fewer dependencies is a prerequisite for creating reusable software.

                                    1.2.2 Polymorphism

                                    The second characteristic of OO systems is polymorphism. This concept is defined as the ability
                                    to write code that treats objects as if they were the same when in fact they are different. In other
                                    words, polymorphism allows you to write code that is generic across a set of objects that
                                    provide the same public members. Underneath the covers, each object might be implemented
                                    differently. However, as far as the consumer is concerned, each object looks the same and can be
                                    treated as such. In VB.NET, polymorphism can be created using both classes and interfaces.

                                    The benefits of polymorphism revolve around the central fact that consumers of objects do not
                                    have to be aware of how the object performs its work, only that it does so through a specific set
                                    of members. This makes writing code that uses objects simpler by allowing the code to treat the

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