P. 142

Enterprise Resource Planning

                    notes            Would that deter the University from transitioning smoothly into the new millennium?
                                     Should the implementation of the HR/Payroll module be delayed? These options would
                                     have to be carefully considered and a recommendation made at Buckler’s meeting with the
                                     FSTF in a few hour’s time.
                                                         table 1: possible solutions to critical gaps

                                      option       Description   gaps affected  risk           costs
                                      SAP provides   SAP provides   This option   Moderate risk, as   Expected low
                                      on-site      on-site       would resolve all   solutions will be   cost to the
                                      developer(s)  developers to   gaps.       incorporated in   University as
                                                   edit the R/3                 future R/3 system   SAP would be
                                                   system’s core                releases; however,   asked to absorb
                                                   program code                 developers     most of the costs.
                                                   and incorporate              must begin
                                                   the changes                  immediately.
                                                   in future R/3
                                                   system releases.
                                      IBM providers   IBM creates   This option   High risk, as   High cost to the
                                      developers   temporary     would resolve   solutions are not   University for
                                      to create    workaround    most gaps      guaranteed to   the consulting
                                      workarounds  solutions that   as attempts   be in future R/3   resources needed
                                                   are “bolted on”   to develop   system releases.  to complete the
                                                   to the system   workarounds                 workarounds.
                                                   and are not part   for some gaps
                                                   of the core SAP   would not be
                                                   R/3 system    feasible.
                                      Extend project   Push project   SAP validates   High risk, as new   Moderate cost for
                                      timeline until   timeline back   that all critical   version must be   some additional
                                      July 1, 1999, to   three months,   gaps are resolved   delivered on time   resources,
                                      implement the   resulting   in the next R/3   and resolution of   potential for high
                                      next version of   in some   system release.  critical gaps must   cost if gaps are
                                      SAP R/3      implementation               be supported.  not resolved in
                                                   activities being                            new version.
                                                   to meet the July
                                                   1 “Go live” date.
                                      University   “Go live”     This option    Low risk, as   Moderate cost for
                                      delays payroll   with non-HR   addresses only   current payroll   some additional
                                      until the    modules as    those gaps     system is      resources and to
                                      next phase of   outlined in the   related to the   functional.  address change
                                      implementing   project scope   human resources           management
                                      functionality  and interface the   (HR) application      issues; potential
                                                   R/3 system with   module.                   for high cost if
                                                   the University’s                            payroll system
                                                   current human                               has to be
                                                   resource                                    updated for Y2K
                                                   management                                  compliance.

                                     1.   Which  of  the  four  options  or  combination  of  options  would  you  recommend  to
                                          project management and the steering committee? What are the risks involved in your
                                          recommendation? How would you manage the risks?
                                     2.   Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a purchased system that forces different
                                          organizational units to change their business processes and policies to conform to the

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