P. 38
Enterprise Resource Planning
notes When the operational use of the data has been over, it should be transferred to data warehousing
e.g. If one financial year is over the daily transactional data could be separated from operational
data. If this data has been kept, as it is in the database total amount of data stored in operational
database will go on increasing, and affect the performance and speed of the system.
figure 2.3: What happens if the data is not achieved?
One cannot predict that, the database used once is useless; on the contrary it is most valuable
resource of the business. This non – operational data can also be needed for data analysis. If this
data is archived there, is little or not use for it, instead this data is very valuable resource and is
too precious to be kept in some archive.
figure 2.4: Database volume affect the performance
The data warehousing comes in handy when there is issue of separating of operational and non
– operational data. To analyze the data and to separate it from database, the non – operational
data is transformed (clean) in such a way that one could retrieve and analyze it very easy. To
retrieve and analyze the data, data warehousing system uses analytical tools such as ad – query
processing query processing, OLAP etc. These tools can organize the data for retrieval and
analysis purpose.
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