P. 157
Unit 7: Introduction to Verification
engineering investigations. The objective of this report is to provide a starting point for the Notes
use of model-based verification techniques and a framework for their evaluation in real-
world applications. It is expected that the results of pilot studies that employ the preliminary
approaches described here will form the basis for improving the practices themselves and
software verification generally. Verification is the process of complaining a work product with
its parent specification or a standard for the purpose of detecting errors. Thus design is verified
by comparing it with the requirements and code is verified by comparing it with the design.
There are four basic methods of verification: inspection which involves the visual comparison
of two items, test which is an exactly reproducible method of comparing expected behaviour to
actual behaviour, demonstration which is like testing but not exactly reproducible, and analysis
which is the application of statistical methods to processes that do not produce repeatable results.
The terms Verification and Validation have different meaning depending on the discipline in
engineering or quality management systems. It is the act of reviewing, inspecting or testing, in
order to establish and document that a product, service or system meets regulatory or technical
standards. According to the regulatory body FDA Verification is defined in Quality System
Regulation as confirmation by examination and provision of objective evidence that specified
requirements have been fulfilled.
The Verification and Validation subprogram provides methods and measures necessary to assess
the credibility of the ASC codes and models, quantify uncertainties in ASC calculation results,
measure the progress in the ASC predictive capabilities, and provide confidence when applying
simulations for stockpile deliverables.
V&V Methods
The area provides methods and measures necessary to assess the credibility of the ASC codes
and models, quantify uncertainties in ASC calculation results, and measure the progress in the
ASC predictive capabilities. In this role, V&V will be aware of leading research, perform its own
research, and be an advocate for advanced research and methods development in the areas of
code verification, solution verification, validation metrics and methodology, and uncertainty
quantification (UQ) as enabling technologies for validation and quantification of margins and
uncertainties (QMU) in a risk-informed decision context.
V&V Assessments
The area delivers science-based assessments of the predictive capability and uncertainties in ASC
integrated performance, engineering, and specialized codes’ phenomenological models, numerical
methods, and related models, to support the needs of the Stockpile Stewardship Program. This
area focuses on establishing credibility in integrated simulation capabilities by collecting evidence
that the numerical methods and simulation models are being solved correctly, and whether the
simulation results from the mathematical and computational models implemented into the codes
agree with real-world observations. This requires extensive collaboration with the various ASC
elements, DSW, and the Science and Engineering Campaigns.
Data Validation, Archiving, SQA, and Training
The area provides traceable and reproducible work products and processes for stockpile
certification (short and long term), as well as foundational elements for establishing software
quality standards and training weapons scientists in the application of verification, validation,
and UQ methods. The scope of this product includes integral validation of physical property
data that are used as inputs for various weapon relevant simulations. Additionally, this product
includes work product and data archiving and simulation pedigree tracking. It also includes
establishing high-level software quality requirements, assessment techniques and methods, and
development of Software Quality Engineering (SQE) tools. Finally, it supports the adoption