P. 38

Web Technologies-II

                   Notes         The unified type system is enhanced by the ability to convert value types to reference types
                                 (boxing)  and  likewise  to  convert  certain  reference  types  to  their  corresponding  value  types
                                           object boxedInteger = 97;
                                             int unboxedInteger = (int)boxedInteger;
                                 The built in C# type aliases and their equivalent .NET Framework types follow:

                                   C# Alias     .NET Type     Size (bits)               Range
                                  Sbyte    System.SByte           8     –128 to 127
                                  Byte     System.Byte            8     0 to 255
                                  Short    System.Int16          16     –32,768 to 32,767
                                  Ushort   System.UInt16         16     0 to 65,535
                                  Char     System.Char           16     A unicode character of code 0 to 65,535
                                  Int      System.Int32          32     –2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
                                  Uint     System.UInt32         32     0 to 4,294,967,295
                                  Long     System.Int64          64     –9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to
                                  Ulong    System.UInt64         64     0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615

                                   C# Alias   .NET Type    Size (bits)  Precision            Range
                                  Float     System.Single     32    7 digits       1.5 × 10-45 to 3.4 × 10 38
                                  double    System.Double     64    15-16 digits   5.0 × 10to 1.7 × 10 308
                                  decimal   System.Decimal   128    28-29 decimal  1.0 × 10to 7.9 × 10 28

                                 Other Predefined Types

                                   C# Alias   .NET Type    Size (bits)                 Range
                                  bool      System.Boolean     32     True or false, which are not related to any integer
                                                                      in C#.
                                  object    System.Object    32/64    Platform dependant (a pointer to an object).
                                  string    System.String  16 * length  A unicode string with no special upper bound.

                                                The name “C sharp” was inspired by musical notation where a sharp indicates
                                                that the written note should be made a semitone higher in pitch. This is similar
                                                to the language name of C++, where “++” indicates that a variable should
                                                be incremented by 1.

                                            Write a program to show the example of boxing and unboxing.

                                          Using unboxing can be cause of decreasing or loss the value of data.

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