P. 93

Unit 4: Programme Management & Project Evaluation

             Choices: Scope of Work                                                             Notes
             Allocation of Resources: Assignment of Personnel:
             You have sufficient personnel in your laboratory to attempt the scope of work.  Allocate
             your personnel according to the following rules:
                Choose only two scope projects.
                You must do the ongoing lab work.
                Each person can only do one scope project/ongoing lab work.
                You need at least one person per scope project.
                You can have up to two people per project.
                You must have people covering the ongoing lab work (one for each column).
             Different personnel have different research strengths and can or cannot function in different
             projects.  Their  abilities are listed in the following table. You  can  consider a degree  of
             redundancy in the work assignments that you may want in case of personnel loss or turnover.

            Name    Person   Scope 1   Scope 2   Scope 3   Scope 4  Scope 5   Ongoing  Ongoing
                                                                     Lab     Lab
                                                                     Work 1   Work 2
            Rudy    Physician- Best   Poor   Adequate   Best   Poor   Poor   Poor
            Chia-   Graduate  Poor   Best    Adequate   Poor   Poor   Adequate  Best
            Ling    student
            Suzanne  Post-doc   Poor   Poor   Best    Poor   Adequate  Adequate  Best
            Hortence  Post-doc   Best   Adequate  Poor   Best   Adequate  Best   Adequate
            Pradip   Post-doc   Adequate  Best   Adequate  Poor   Best   Best   Adequate

             Things Happen!
             In the course of all events it is certain that things will go wrong.  While you are working
             on your projects the following things have happened in the laboratory.  These will affect
             your work, and the ability to complete your goal.

                Rudy quits the laboratory to join a private practice medicine group. If you want to
                 continue Scope 1 you need to place another person on the project (if you do not
                 already have another person covering the project).

                Bob’s Brain Foundation, the group funding your brain tumor research, decides to
                 perform a review of your program.  To keep funding you need to show significant
                 progress.  You need your “best” people doing the ongoing lab work.
             Modify your available resources to best accomplish you goals.  You may also change your
             scope projects, just realize it is a “bit late in the game” to be changing scope projects.

             Name    Person   Scope 1   Scope 2   Scope 3   Scope 4  Scope 5   Ongoing  Ongoing
                                                                     Lab      Lab
                                                                     Work 1   Work 2
             Chia-   Graduate   Poor   Best   Adequate   Poor   Poor   Adequate  Best
             Ling    student
             Suzanne  Post-doc    Poor   Poor   Best   Poor   Adequate  Adequate  Best
             Hortence  Post-doc    Best   Adequate  Poor   Best   Adequate  Best   Adequate
             Pradip   Post-doc    Adequate  Best   Adequate  Poor   Best   Best   Adequate

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