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E-Commerce and E-Business

                              make any decisions regarding the outcomes. The main disadvantages of this process are that the
                              process is lengthy and the outcomes may be unpredictable.

                              This approach is also more expensive due to the numerous meetings of consultants and experts
                              who are paid for their services. However, the benefit of this approach is that the changes made are
                              more likely to be supported due to the involvement of all those who are affected.

                          12.1.2   Challenges of Change Management
                          Change management faces various challenges. Some challenges are internal whereas some are external.
                          Now, we will discuss the challenges.

                          Challenges of Initiating
                          These challenges are often sufficient to thwart any growth almost before it starts. They are encountered
                          at the early stages of major organizational change.  The ability to deal with the challenges must be
                          created under high pressure. However, to manage  these challenges efficiently, organizations must
                          develop competencies much earlier instead of dealing with them in the future. The following are the
                          challenges of initiating:

                          1.   Not Enough Time:  This is the challenge of control over  one's time. It  represents an important
                              prospect for restructuring the way that work places are organized and to provide flexibility and
                              time for expression and innovation.
                          2.   Lack of Help: Some managers consider asking for help, a mark of incompetence, while others are
                              unaware that  they need coaching and support.  Meeting this  challenge means developing the
                              capabilities for identifying the need for help, recognizing the appropriate help, and the desire to
                              guide each other in developing successful innovations.
                          3.   Not Relevant:  The main concern for pilot  groups is to  get a convincing case for learning and
                              change. If people are not totally committed to an initiative’s goals, a commitment gap develops
                              and this hinders them to take part enthusiastically in achieving the goal. Creating relevance
                              depends on open conversations regarding the reasons for change and the expected commitments
                              of the people involved.
                          4.   Lack of Leadership Values: It effects a change when there is a mismatch between the conveyed
                              message and the actual behavior. If executives and leaders are not able to provide an atmosphere
                              of trust and authenticity, then genuine change cannot occur or move forward. Leaders and
                              managers must be sincere and open.
                          Challenges of Sustaining Momentum
                          These challenges occur in the initial years when the group has clear goals and has realized that new
                          methods save  enough time to put  them into practice.  Now the pilot group's real troubles begin.
                          Sustained activity creates boundaries between the work of the pilot group and internal attitudes and
                          beliefs, and between the pilot group's requirements and the values and measures of scaling success in
                          larger companies. Some of the challenges are:
                          1.   Fear and Anxiety: Everyone expresses their fear and anxiety in different forms of defensiveness. It
                              becomes difficult to deal with the concerns of team members about exposure and inadequacy,
                              triggered by the conflicts between increasing levels of fairness and openness and low levels of
                              trust. This is one of the most commonly faced challenges and the most difficult to overcome.
                          2.   Assessment and Measurement: It is always a concern to  deal with the  connection between the
                              achievements of a pilot group and the organization’s traditional ways of measuring success.
                          3.   Believers and Nonbelievers: There is always a dispute between the pilot group members and their
                              colleagues and peers. The pilot group becomes more isolated from the rest of the organization
                              during the project time. The isolation leads to some unfamiliar approaches and behavior which
                              gives rise to  misunderstandings between the pilot group and their peers, which  in turn may
                              accelerate into unnecessary opposition.

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