P. 87

E-Commerce and E-Business

                                    Establishing a Secure Communication for a Leading Stock Exchange
                          This case study is of a leading stock exchange that covers major cities and towns across India. The stock
                          exchange has  an automated online  trading system within national  reach. This  stock exchange has
                          reformed the Indian securities market to establish a better microstructure, trading volumes, and market
                          The challenge is the exchange of data between the stock exchange and a member stock broking
                          company. The stock exchange communicates its business information to other member companies and
                          receives information from them. The stock exchange requires this communication to be authenticated,
                          automated, and secure. To achieve this, the stock exchange must use a secured e-commerce system that
                          1.   Get the PDF documents digitally signed by multiple authorities at the server end.

                          2.   Get the HTML forms digitally signed at the client end and verify the signed data at the server
                               end, after filling the data.
                          The stock exchange’s challenge was taken up by E-Lock Solutions and they designed a SuperSigner
                          SDK (Java version) which  satisfied the requirement. The system was able to authenticate the
                          transmitted information between the two entities. It reduced the overheads caused due to the use of
                          paper communication and established a faster and reliable exchange of information.

                          6.4   Summary
                          •   An efficient  e-commerce system  should guarantee confidentiality, integrity, availability,
                              authenticity, non-repudiability, and auditability of information.
                          •   SQL injection, price manipulation, buffer  overflow, cross-site scripting, and remote  command
                              execution are some of the vulnerabilities found in e-commerce systems.
                          •   To ensure secured communication  cryptosystems are used. They  involve encryption and
                              decryption methods to ensure confidentiality, and integrity of information.
                          •   Cryptosystems are classified into symmetric and asymmetric cryptosystems. Symmetric
                              cryptosystems make use of  a single key to establish  communication  between two  users. They
                              operate in block cipher mode and stream cipher mode. Asymmetric cryptosystems use private and
                              public keys for establishing a secure communication between two users.
                          •   RSA algorithm uses public key for achieving confidentiality and authenticity of the information.

                          •   Digital signatures prevent a receiver from using the sender’s digital signature to ‘sign’ information
                              on behalf of the sender.
                          •   Public Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) defines a  standard format to transmit information
                              over the network using public key cryptography technique.
                          •   Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM), MIME Object Security Services (MOSS), Secure Multipurpose
                              Internet Extensions (S/MIME), and Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) are the protocols used for
                              establishing secured communication.
                          •   Public key Certificates define a standard certificate format for establishing secured communication
                              using private and public key.
                          •   Electronic cash over Internet allows a consumer to use e-cash to do online shopping and transfer

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