Page 290 - DCAP404 _Object Oriented Programming
P. 290

Unit 13: Working with Files

          Some useful File Operation Functions                                                  Notes

          In addition to the function discussed thus far, there are many more functions which come handy
          in writing practical programs on data file processing. An assorted list of them is given below:


          This function returns an int type value representing the current position of the pointer inside the
          data file opened in input mode as demonstrated in the following program.
          //Program  demonstrating  tellg()  function
          #include  <fstream.h>
          void  main()
                 //Assume  that  the  text  stored  in  data.dat  file  is  “Welcome  to  C++”

                 ifstream  myfile(“data.dat”);
                 char  ch;
                 for(int  j=0;  j<4;j++)
                 cout  <<myfile.tellg()  <<  endl;
                 //this  should  return  5,  as  four  characters  have  been  read  from  the
          file  so  the  current  pointer  points  at  next
                 //character,  i.e.,  5th  characterHello  is  5  characters  long
          This function does to output files what tellg() does to input files. It returns an int type value
          representing the current position of the pointer inside the data file opened in output mode as
          shown in the following code snippet.

                 ofstream  myfile(“data.dat”);
                 cout  <<  myfile.tellp();
                 //this  should  return  6,  as  five  characters  have  been  written  in  the
          file  so  the  current  pointer  points  at  next
                 //position,  i.e.,  6th

          While reading data from a file this function is used to shift the pointer to a specified location as
          shown in the following code snippet.

                 //Assume  that  the  text  stored  in  data.dat  file  is  “Welcome  to  C++”
                 ifstream  myfile(“data.dat”);
                 char  ch;

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