P. 182

Unit 10: Creating an Architectural Design

          9.   Explain how the context can be represented in system?                            Notes
          10.  Components of the software architecture are derived from which sources?

          Answers: Self  Assessment

          1.   isolation                         2.  functional
          3.   Metadata                          4.  data mining
          5.   knowledge-driven                  6.  relational

          7.   analyze                           8.  consistent
          9.   operations                        10.  abstract
          11.  entities external                 12.  Archetypes

          13.  Nature                            14.  Architecture
          15.  analysis

          10.7 Further Readings

           Books      Rajib Mall, Fundamentals of Software Engineering, Second Edition, PHI.
                      Richard Fairpy, Software Engineering Concepts, Tata McGraw Hill, 1997.
                      R.S. Pressman, Software Engineering a Practioner’s Approach, 5th edition, Tata McGraw
                      Hill Higher education.
                      Sommerville, Software Engineering, Sixth edition, Pearson Education.

          Online links

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