P. 55
Software Engineering
Notes 3.3 Summary
The simplest software development life cycle model is the waterfall model, which states
that the phases are organized in a linear order.
There are many variations of the waterfall model depending on the nature of activities
and the flow of control between them. In a typical model, a project begins with feasibility
analysis. On successfully demonstrating the feasibility of a project, the requirements
analysis and project planning begins.
In incremental model, a series of releases called ‘increments’ are delivered that provide
more functionality progressively for customer as each increment is delivered.
The first increment is known as core product. This core product is used by customers and
a plan is developed for next increment and modifications are made to meet the needs of
the customer. The process is repeated.
If the requirements are well understood and defines, and the project scope is constraint,
the RAD process enables a development team to create a fully functional system with in
very short time period.
3.4 Keywords
RAD: Rapid Application Development
SRS: Requirement Specification document
SDD: Software Design Description document
3.5 Review Questions
1. The simplest software development life cycle model is the waterfall model, which states
that the phases are organized in a linear order. Justify this statement with diagram.
2. The requirements analysis phase is mentioned as “analysis and planning.” What have you
understood from this statement?
3. “A good plan is based on the requirements of the system and should be done before later
phases begin”. Discuss.
4. Why RAD reduces the development time and reusability of components help to speed up
development? Explain.
5. Discuss why RAD is a linear sequential software development process model that emphasis
an extremely short development cycle using a component based construction approach?
6. Critically analyze the various RAD Model Phases.
7. Briefly explain the incremental phases of the incremental model.
8. A working version of software is produced during the first iteration, so you have working
software early on during the software life cycle. Comment.
9. Is waterfall model perspective model or incremental model? Explain with examples.
10. Subsequent iterations build on the initial software produced during the first iteration.
Why or why not? Justify your answer.