P. 153

Data Structure

                                          2.  DELETE
                                          3.  DISPLAY
                                          4.  EXIT
                                          Enter your choice:

                                          Deleted number is 10
                                          1.  INSERT
                                          2.  DELETE
                                          3.  DISPLAY
                                          4.  EXIT
                                          Enter your choice:

                                          Deleted number is 20
                                          1.  INSERT
                                          2.  DELETE
                                          3.  DISPLAY
                                          4.  EXIT
                                          Enter your choice:

                                          QUEUE UNDERFLOW
                                          In this example:
                                          1.  The header files namely, stdio and malloc are included.
                                          2.  A structure named queue is created which consists of three variables namely,
                                              value, PRI, and next. The variable value holds the value of the element. The
                                              PRI holds the element priority value and next is a pointer variable that points
                                              to the next element in the queue. Four objects are declared namely, F, q, tmp,
                                              and new to access the structure elements.
                                          3.  Three functions are created namely, ins(), del(), and disp().  The user has to
                                              select an appropriate function to perform.

                                          4.  The switch statement is used to call the ins(), del(), and disp() functions.
                                          5.  When the user  enters 1,  the  ins()  function is called. This function allocates
                                              memory of capacity 10 for the queue using malloc function. Then, the user
                                              enters the element to be inserted into the queue, and its priority. The value of
                                              the element entered is stored in value and its priority is stored in PRI. The if
                                              loop checks if the  F  value is  equal to NULL or  the priority of the entered
                                              element is less than the priority of the first element. If either of the condition
                                              is true, then the element entered is stored in the second position of the queue.
                                              Else, the value of F is assigned to q. The if loop checks if the third position of
                                              the queue is not equal to NULL and the priority of the second element is less
                                              than the third. If the condition is true, then the second element is stored in the
                                              third position and the third element is stored in the second position. The loop
                                              continues to check for the priority of all the elements in the queue and stores
                                              them accordingly.

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