P. 160

Unit 9:  Recursion

               9.1.1   Definition of Recursion
               A function that calls itself is termed as a recursive function and the process involved in doing this is
               called recursion. Recursion is a methodology that permits breaking down of a problem into one or
               many sub problems that are similar to the original problem.
               The parameters  defined in the function definition  are termed as formal arguments. The parameters
               defined in a caller function and provided in the function call are termed as local variables Every time a
               function is invoked, a new set of formal parameters and local variables are allocated on the stack. Then,
               these new values are used to execute from the beginning of the function. A call to itself repeats until the
               base or terminal condition is achieved. Once the base condition is achieved, the function returns the
               result  of  the earlier function. A series of returns  ensure that the output to the original problem is

                                    A simple recursive example

                                    /* A preprocessor directive */
                                    /* printnum function definition */
                                    int printnum (int begin)
                                       /* If begin value is less than 9 */
                                        if (begin < 9)
                                          /* Print begin value */
                                           printf (%d”, begin);
                                         /* printnum function calls itself */
                                         printnum (begin + 1);
                                    /* Return begin value */
                                    return (begin);

                                    /* Main function */
                                    void main ()
                                       /* Initialize integer variables a and c and assign 1 to a */
                                         int a=1, c;
                                        /* Clears the output screen */
                                         clrscr ();
                                        /* Calls printnum function passing the parameter 1*/
                                         c = printnum (a);
                                         /* Waits until a key is pressed */
                                    In this example:

                                    1.  First, the stdio.h header file is included using the include keyword.
                                    2.  Then,  a function named  printnum  is declared  which returns an
                                        integer value stored in begin.
                                    3.   In this method,
                                        (a)  First, the value of  begin  using an  ‘if’  condition  is checked  to
                                            determine whether it is less than 9. If the condition is true, begin

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