P. 236

Unit 12:  Binary Tree Traversals and Operations

               1. L = SEARCH_SEQ(1, KEY)                          // Search for key node in the tree
               2. If (L = 0) then
                    (a)  Print “Search is unsuccessful: No insertion”

                    (b)          Exit
               3. EndIf                                           // Quit execution
               4. If (A[2 * L] = NULL) or (a[2 * L +1] = NULL)then  //If the left and right sub-trees are
                    (a)   Read option to read as left (L) or right (R)   //child (give option = L/R)

                    (b)   If (option = L) then
                        (i)   If A[2 * L] = NULL then      //Left link is empty
                       1. A[2 * L] = ITEM                  // Store it in the array A
                       (ii)   Else                         // Cannot be inserted as left child
                       1. Print “Desired insertion is not possible”  //already has left child
                       2. Exit                             //Return to end of procedure
                       (iii)   EndIf

                    (c)   EndIf
                    (d)  If (option = R) then              //Move to right side
                        (i)   If (A[2 * L +1] = NULL) then   // Right link is empty
                           1. A[2 * L +1] = ITEM           //Store it in the array A
                       (ii)   Else                         //Cannot be inserted as right child
                           1. Print “Desired operation is not possible”  //already has a right child
                           2. Exit                         // Return to the end of procedures

                       (iii)   EndIf
                    (e)  EndIf                             //Key node having both the child
                5. Else                                    //Key node does not have any empty link
                    (a)  Print “ITEM cannot be inserted as leaf node”
                 6. EndIf
                 7. Stop
               The recursive algorithm of search operation for inserting a node is as follows:

               Input – KEY is the item of search, INDEX is the index of node from which the searching process starts.
               Output – LOCATION is where the item KEY is located
               Data structure – Array A is for storing binary tree. SIZE indicates the size of A
               1. L = SEARCH_SEQ(1, KEY)
               i = INDEX                                          //Start search from the root node

               2. If (A[i] ≠ KEY) then                            //Present node is not key node
               1. If (2 * i ≤ SIZE) then                          //If left sub-tree is not exhausted

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