P. 40

Unit 2: Complexity Analysis

               2.3.1   Types of Analysis

               The efficiency of some algorithms may vary for inputs of the same size. For such algorithms, we need to
               differentiate between the worst case, average case and best case efficiencies.
               Best Case Analysis

               If an algorithm takes the least amount of time to execute a specific set of input, then it is called the best
               case time complexity. The best case efficiency of an algorithm is the efficiency for the best case input of
               size n. Because of this input, the algorithm runs the fastest among all the possible inputs of the same
               To analyze the best case efficiency, we have to first determine the kind of inputs for which the count
               C(n) will be the smallest among all possible inputs of size n. Then, we ascertain the value of C(n) on the
               most convenient inputs.

                                   In case of sequential search, the best case for lists of size n is when their first
                                   elements are equal to the search key. Then,
                                                                             C best (n) = 1

                           Best case does not mean the smallest input. It means the input of size n for which the
                           algorithm runs the fastest.

               Average Case Analysis
               If the time complexity of an algorithm for certain sets of inputs are on an average, then such a time
               complexity is called average case time complexity.
               Average case analysis provides necessary information about an algorithm’s behavior on a typical or
               random  input.  You must  make  some  assumption  about  the  possible  inputs of size  n  to  analyze  the
               average case efficiency of algorithm.

                                  Assume that in case of sequential search, the probability of successful search is
                                  equal to t i.e. 0 ≤ t ≤ 1, and the probability of the first match occurring in the i th
                                  position of the list is the same for all values of i. From these assumptions we
                                  can easily find out the average number of key comparisons C avg (n).
                                  In case of successful search, the probability of the first match occurring in the
                                  i th  position of the list is   for all values of i and the comparison made by the
                                  algorithm is also i.
                                  In  case  of  unsuccessful  search,  the  number  of  comparison  is  n  with  the
                                  probability of  1  ) t  . Therefore, we can write:
                                             t   t       t        t
                                  C avg (n) =  .1[    . 2   .....   . i   ....   . n  ]  n .( 1  ) t
                                             n   n       n       n
                                                =   1 [   2   i ...  ...   ] n   i ( n   ) t
                                          t  n ( n    ) 2
                                                =    1 ( n    ) t
                                          n   2
                                            n ( t    ) 1
                                                =     1 ( n    ) t
                                  For t=1, the average number of key comparisons made by sequential search is
                                   n (   ) 1
                                         which means the algorithm inspects on an average about half of the

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