P. 54

Unit 3: Arrays

               Figure 3.3 shows how to add elements to an array.

                                          Figure 3.3: Adding Elements to an Array

               Algorithm for Inserting an Element into an Array
               Let a be an array of size N and I be the array index. Algorithm to insert an element in the M  position
               of the array a is as follows:
               1.   Start
               2.   read a[N], I<-0
               3.   repeat for I=N to M (Decrement I by one)
               4.   a[I+1]<- a[I]
               5.   a[M]<-ELEMENT
               6.   M<-M+1
               7.   Stop

               The below program illustrates the concept of inserting an element into a one-dimensional array.

                                void main()
                                int n, i, data, po_indx, a[50];        //Variable declaration

                                printf("Enter number of elements in the array\n");

                                /*Get the number of elements to be added to the array from the user*/

                                scanf("%d", &n);
                                printf("\nEnter %d elements\n\n", n);        //Print the number of elements
                                for(i=0;i<n;i++)                    //Iterations using for loop
                                  scanf("%d",&a[i]);                //Accepting the values in the array

                                printf("\nEnter a data to be inserted\n");
                                  scanf("%d",&data);              //Reads the data added by user

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