P. 173
Unit 5: Scripting Language
He said the extreme-scale computing technologies that Intel was working on would help
achieve the goal of a nearly 300 times improvement in energy efficiency levels in the next
ten years and potentially even a 1,000-fold improvement in the future.
Mr Rattner also disclosed a new JavaScript solution that could speed up browser-based
content such as 3D games by up to eight-fold and said that Intel would also soon launch the
world’s first processor with Many-Integrated Core (MIC) architecture, which promises to
revolutionise high-performance computing.
5.11 Summary
JavaScript is a browser-interpreted language.
JavaScript can react to events.
Conditional Statements give the JavaScript code you are writing the ability to make
decisions or perform single or multiple tasks.
A variable’s purpose is to store information so that it can be used later.
JavaScript can be used to validate data in HTML forms before sending off the content to a
An OOP language allows you to define your own objects and make your own variable
5.12 Keywords
ASP: Active Server Pages
CGI: Common Gateway Interface
OOP: Object Oriented Programming
WWW: World Wide Web
5.13 Review Questions
1. Substantiate the mean of java script? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using
java script?
2. Calculate the factorial of a number using java script.
3. How can you change an image using java script?
4. Make the distinction between java and java script. Give example to support your answers.
5. Write a java script code to display the current date and time.
6. Is java script a scripting or a programming language? Discuss
7. What do you mean by java script top level properties and function?
8. Each element in the array has its own ID so that it can be easily accessed. Write a program
to explain this statement with explanation.
9. How is JavaScript syntax like C / C++?Write a program to explain
10. The Math object allows you to perform mathematical tasks. Analyze