P. 4


                                                  Web Programming

          Objectives: To impart the skills needed for web programming, web administration, and web site development. After studying
          this course student can develop; static web pages; dynamic web pages; data Processing on web pages.

             S. No.                                          Description
               1.     Internet Fundamentals: Introduction to Internet, Web browser, web page, website, homepage, hyperlinks,
                      hypermedia, HTTP, WWW, Web server, Client server architecture model for web requests, URL.
               2.     Creating static web pages: HTML document structure, singular and paired tags, test formatting, hyperlinks,
                      adding images, audio and video, creating lists, tables, forms, frames, using multiple windows for web pages.
               3.     Cascading Style  Sheets: Style tag, DIV and SPAN, Internal  and External  stylesheets, Creating and  using
                      Classes, applying style on text and images.

               4.     Scripting Language: Java Script programming, Data Types, Variables, Arrays, Operators. Loops, functions,
                      Dialog boxes, String Manipulation functions, Using Timer in web page. Setting and Getting date object in a
                      web page.
               5.     DOM Model: Events handling through JavaScript, How to use forms in JavaScript.
               6.     ASP: Introduction to asp, installing IIS, ASP variable, ASP operators, conditional, loops and case statements
                      and arrays.
               7.     ASP Web Forms: Introduction to CGI, Client side and server side scripting, building and processing web
               8.     ASP Objects: Response, Request, Server, Session, Application. Purpose of Global.asa file, #include, Recordset

               9.     ASP Cookies and Caching:  Procedures,  Cookies, ASP file system, send e-mail,  Caching: page,  data,
                      fragment, output.
              10.     Database Connectivity: Open and Close  a connection, reading from the database, inserting, deleting  and
                      updating the database records Building Database Applications Using ActiveX Data Objects.
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